Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is about trusting your body to make food choices that feel good for you.  Diet culture has been so normalised in our everyday lives that we’ve forgotten that our bodies can regulate and monitor themselves perfectly well!  For most of human history, dieting was non-existent. Instead, we ate when we were hungry, stoppedContinue reading Intuitive Eating

How to stop unnecessary snacking through the winter

As we move into autumn and the days get shorter and cooler, we may find that our appetite increases and we want to eat more. This is completely normal. With drops in temperature, our bodies have to fight harder to keep warm as they need more calories to produce energy. When this happens, our mind signalsContinue reading How to stop unnecessary snacking through the winter

Six Common Nutrition Myths Debunked

It seems as though eating a healthy diet has become more and more complicated over the years. With celebrities talking about their weight loss solutions, or experts claiming their diet is the way to go, we’re constantly bombarded with news about the latest trends. But these messages don’t always have our health in mind. And there isContinue reading Six Common Nutrition Myths Debunked

What is health to you? How assessing our relationship to health is the first step towards improving it.

If I asked you what is good health? You might say something like, not getting sick, eating plenty of vegetables, being slim and fit, or exercising regularly. Have a think of a time where you have said to yourself, ‘I am going to get healthy!’. What triggered it? Was it an illness, or when you struggled on a long walk?Continue reading What is health to you? How assessing our relationship to health is the first step towards improving it.

How to Achieve Wellness in the Workplace

We spend on average 35 hours a week at work, if we add in the commute, that’s a lot of hours away from home. So it makes sense that we factor in time at work when thinking about our health and wellness goals. It’s easy to get into some bad habits at work. Who gives themselves little ‘Continue reading “How to Achieve Wellness in the Workplace”

The Importance of Balancing Our Hormones

Hormone balance is key to overall health and wellness, and when hormones become imbalanced, they can wreak havoc in the body. Hormones are our body’s chemical messengers. They travel in your bloodstream to organs or tissues. Our hormones control or regulate many biological processes. They enable different parts of the body to communicate and controlContinue reading “The Importance of Balancing Our Hormones”

The Importance of Zinc

Autumn is on the horizon and with the shorter days and cooler weather comes seasonal bugs and sickness. However, I believe that if you keep your immune system strong and healthy, you should breeze through it all! Zinc is one of those minerals which is essential for a healthy immune system. Yet it does so much more!  It’s needed forContinue reading “The Importance of Zinc”

Eating to Eliminate Arthritis, Aches and Pains

Recently I have been getting many clients complaining about joint pain and stiffness, which is stopping them from doing the things they love. In the UK, we associate getting older with stiffness, aches and pains, but we should not accept these symptoms as a normal part of life or ageing.  I believe we can grow older feeling fit andContinue reading “Eating to Eliminate Arthritis, Aches and Pains”

The Power of Journaling for Good Health

A healthy body and mind go hand-in-hand. This is why I dislike ‘fad diets’, they separate out ‘weight’ and associate it just with what you eat, which is why they don’t work. Bad habits are built up over time. For example, years of using food, drink, drugs, over-working or other activities to self-soothe or numb uncomfortable emotions will take its toll onContinue reading “The Power of Journaling for Good Health”

10 Simple Ways You Can Make Your Meals More Nutritious

Eating well does not have to be hard and you don’t have to cut out all the foods you love. There are a few simple rules I live by which ensure I am getting the right nutrients into my body, even if I am away from home, traveling or super busy. In this article, I am going to share 10 Simple WaysContinue reading “10 Simple Ways You Can Make Your Meals More Nutritious”