12 Winter Skincare Tips: How to Protect Your Skin from the Cold

My approach to my health incorporates a diet rich in fresh foods and nutrients, mindset, exercise and self-care – a blend of all these aspects leads to a healthy look, body, mind and approach to life. Everything I write and talk about I implement in my own life. I often get asked how I lookContinue reading “12 Winter Skincare Tips: How to Protect Your Skin from the Cold”

Eating for Energy: Foods that Boost Vitality

Who wants more energy? Wouldn’t it be great to jump out of bed in the morning feeling refreshed and sustain that energy throughout the day? The secret to this is less about sleep, and more about what and when you eat. As we move into the winter, with the darkness and colder temperatures, you mayContinue reading “Eating for Energy: Foods that Boost Vitality”

A Guide to Understanding and Resetting Your Circadian Rhythm

You may or may not have heard of your Circadian Rhythm, and perhaps you’re not entirely sure of what it is or why it matters as it’s not the kind of thing we talk about often.  For those of you who don’t know – our circadian rhythm is like a 24-hour internal clock in our brain that regulates our cycles of wakefulness and sleepiness. ItContinue reading “A Guide to Understanding and Resetting Your Circadian Rhythm”

The Nutritional Power of Herbs and Spices

I  know – I am always banging on about cooking from scratch using fresh ingredients… but stay with me. This post is a little different from all my usual health advice – this one is about how to get flavour into your freshly cooked meals using herbs and spices and the surprising nutritional benefits! First though… ProcessedContinue reading “The Nutritional Power of Herbs and Spices”

A Holistic Approach to Managing Your Weight

It’s time for a different approach to managing our weight. If you’ve read any of my previous blogs, you’ll know I’m not into dieting. They just don’t work long-term. I’ve worked with so many women who’ve tried all sorts of diets, only to find they put the weight back on again soon after losing it. ThisContinue reading “A Holistic Approach to Managing Your Weight”

How to Control Your Cravings

I am sure you have all experienced that overwhelming urge to indulge in a sweet treat or devour a bag of salty crisps, from time to time – I know I have! These cravings often happen even when we are not hungry. And although there is nothing wrong with the occasional indulgence, if satisfying cravings has become aContinue reading “How to Control Your Cravings”

The Power of Your Mindset – Creating a Healthy Relationship with Food

Whether you are dealing with health or weight issues or simply just want to get out of some bad eating habits – I will let you in on a little secret… Food is not the problem. Our relationship with food is. This is because our relationship with food is often deeply intertwined with our emotions and mindset.Continue reading “The Power of Your Mindset – Creating a Healthy Relationship with Food”

Breaking the ‘No Time’ Excuse: Prioritising Health over Procrastination

‘I would love to do more, I just don’t have the time’. How many of you have used that excuse when thinking about adding in some healthy habits? That might be getting more movement or exercise into your day, taking up a new activity, cooking healthier, more nutritious meals or even shopping more consciously. I get it! Our livesContinue reading “Breaking the ‘No Time’ Excuse: Prioritising Health over Procrastination”

Mindset is Everything: Harnessing the Power of Your Mind to Achieve Your Health Goals

It’s estimated that the average person has approximately 70,000 thoughts daily. These thoughts are like the invisible threads that weave the fabric of our lives, influencing our attitudes, behaviours, and ultimately, our outcomes.  When working with clients on their health and weight goals, one of the first things we look at is mindset. Addressing mindsetContinue reading “Mindset is Everything: Harnessing the Power of Your Mind to Achieve Your Health Goals”

The Problem with Strict Eating Habits and Why Indulging is Sometimes the Healthier Choice

We have created a problem… An obsession with clean eating and dieting, mixed with endless access to other people’s lives through social media platforms, and we create a trap of obsession and comparison which many fall into. This leads to many people finding themselves creating unrealistic and overly strict eating habits in a drive for perfection. However, more oftenContinue reading “The Problem with Strict Eating Habits and Why Indulging is Sometimes the Healthier Choice”