8 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight on Holiday

8 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight on Holiday

Going on holiday can always be tricky and lets be realistic, you are not going to be losing weight on vacation. However this does not mean that you have to put on an extra kilo or two or deprive yourself of the foods you love. It’s all about being sensible and indulging in moderation.

I divide my time between Italy and London and often tend to eat a little too much pasta and pizza when in Italy but I always manage to stay the same weight.

Here are my 8 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight on Holiday…

1. Always have a healthy breakfast

The body is at its most acidic in the mornings so it is important to keep it alkaline. Therefore make sure you start the day right by always making it a healthy meal.

Always have a healthy breakfast on holiday

Start your morning with warm water and lemon followed by a smoothie, fruit and chia pudding, avocado on toast with a poached egg or a bowl of porridge.

2. Indulge in moderation

Your are on holiday so no one expects you not to have a treat. All you have to do is to make sure you make sensible choices.

If you want to have a treat like a dessert or carbohydrates I suggest you have them during the day preferably at lunch time.

When having a treat it doesn’t mean you have to binge on your favourite foods. If you fancy some cake have a slice not the whole cake. If you want to have lasagna have a small portion and do not have seconds. And try not to eat bread with pasta.

Whatever treat you decide to enjoy always remember to include lots of vegetables and salads with your meals. Keep your portions small.

3. Alcohol

It is no secret that alcohol is full of hidden calories and is no good for the liver, however, most people do like to enjoy a drink or two especially when on holiday. Just remember that moderation is key.

When choosing alcoholic beverages choose wisely. Cocktails taste great but they are very high in calories so remember to be sensible.

If you want to enjoy a drink I would recommend drinking vodka with sparkling water and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

I would limit it to 2 drinks. Too much alcohol is not only bad for the liver but it is extremely dehydrating especially in warm weather when you need to stay hydrated.

To keep well hydrated it is important to drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink you consume.

Exercise to Avoid Gaining Weight on Holiday

4. Exercise

Most of you will be looking at this thinking that you want to relax on holiday, not workout. I am not suggesting you turn your holiday into a bootcamp vacation. However, if you want to indulge in your favourite foods you must do some form of exercise.

If you are on a beach or by a pool you can swim. Go for an early morning run or brisk walk on the beach. The more active you are the more calories you burn.

I tend to go for 2-3 hour hikes. I’m actually more active when I am away.

You do not have to kill yourself. I am not suggesting you do 2 hours a day. You can fit in just a 20 minute HIT workout daily to keep the weight off.

5. Keep healthy snacks in your cupboards

If you know you have a sweet tooth do not keep your cupboards full of cakes and biscuits. Opt for healthy snacks like nuts, seeds, fruit, hummus and vegetables.

The less unhealthy treats you have lying around the better. If you feel hungry have some hummus with carrot sticks or half an avocado. These are both filling and healthy.

I do not eat a lot of dairy but I do have a soft spot for cheddar cheese. I therefore make sure I don’t keep it in the house otherwise I will end up eating the whole lot. This of course does not mean I never treat myself to a little cheese now and again. I just do not keep it in the house.

6. Stay away from salad dressings

You will definitely not be putting on any weight eating salads but beware of salad dressings. They taste great but are hidden with calories.

Keep it simple and just use a little olive oil and apple cider vinegar for salads.

7. Simple is always best when eating out

Try to stay away from rich, heavy sauces and opt for grilled or steamed dishes when going out for a meal. There will always be healthy options on the menu.

Many people use the excuse of dining out to stuff their faces with everything on the menu. Be sensible. Stay away from the bread basket and if going for a dessert make sure you have a healthy main like a grilled fish.

Remember to always be sensible and keep your food choices simple and healthy.

Don’t raid the buffet on holiday!

8. Don’t raid the buffet!

Buffets have all sorts of foods and it can be so tempting to just keep eating everything! We have all done it. However, do try to be sensible.

Go for lots of salads and vegetables and protein so you become full quickly. As mentioned before this does not mean that you cannot enjoy your favourite foods. You just have to be sensible. Do not refill your plate 3 or 4 times.

Avoid Gaining Weight on Holiday: A conclusion

I hope you will find my top 8 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight on Holiday useful during your vacations. It’s important to remember that when you are on holiday you should enjoy yourself and not become obsessed with counting calories and starving yourself to keep your bikini body.

Of course you want to enjoy a drink or two, have an ice cream or a pizza. You just have to remember that with everything in life, moderation and balance are important.

The older we become the more important it is to look after our health. If you would like a bespoke nutritional plan, contact me via my Facebook page or feel free to purchase one of my coaching options here.

Published by daniatrapani

I believe in teaching, educating and making people aware of their health, diet and lifestyle choices. I encourage my clients to understand the importance of a healthy diet as well as a balanced lifestyle in order to achieve optimum results. Each of my clients is treated as an individual and I combine a mixture of nutrition and naturopathy to create a tailored health programme.

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