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Why Diets do not Work

Most of my clients come to me to help them lose weight. I do not believe or like the word diet. I do not believe in diets. What I do believe in is healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle which is essential in preventing disease. When you are healthy and active you will have an abundance of energy. Fad diets mess up your metabolism and are restrictive depleting the body of vital nutrients.

Diets mess up your metabolism

Most women make the mistake in thinking that by starving they will lose weight quicker and become obsessed with counting calories. When the body goes into starvation mode due to lack of calorie intake it will start to use up muscle and lean tissue thus resulting in muscle tone loss.  You need to be eating every 3-4 hours to speed up your metabolism. By starving your body you are actually slowing down your metabolism making it harder to lose weight in the long term. A balanced healthy diet consists of 3 main meals and 2 snacks.

Too restrictive

Most fad diets tend to eliminate food groups mainly carbohydrates and tend to be very restrictive leading a person feeling deprived. When on these fad diets a person will be even more sensitive to food and if they feel too restricted they will tend to crave all the wrong foods and will often have a massive binge.

Can be harmful

A restrictive diet like the Atkins diet which was a fad a while back can cause serious health problems. A diet that is too high in animal protein like the Atkins diet can cause an enormous strain on the kidneys leading to kidney stones and other problems. Your kidneys filter your blood getting rid of all unwanted waste and toxins via the urine. Eating a diet very high in saturated fats like meats can also lead to heart disease. This is why you need a balanced diet.

Cause nutrient deficiencies 

Following on from above, a balanced diet is essential for staying healthy. You need a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, proteins and good fats. A restrictive diet will leave you feeling tired and deprived.

Carbohydrates are absolutely necessary for energy and endurance. You need carbohydrates for physical activity. Most women look at carbs horrified and underestimate their importance in a healthy diet. I am not referring to refined sugars such as white bread, white pasta, cakes, pies and processed foods which have zero nutritional value. They supply that quick burst of energy by raising your blood sugar levels followed by a quick dip in energy. This is why complex carbohydrates are what you should be fuelling your body. Complex carbohydrates are slow releasing and do not raise blood sugar levels thus resulting in energy for longer periods of time. Good sources include: Sweet potatoes, brown rice, porridge, stone ground wholemeal breads.

Protein is important for muscle repair and healing. Protein is needed to stop muscle tone loss. Good sources of protein are lean meats – please ensure you go for organic meats. You do not want to eat meat that has been injected with hormones and antibiotics. Other good sources: Tofu, lentils, beans, eggs and quinoa. Another is the super food spirulina, which is a blue-green algae rich in protein, iron and B12.

Healthy fats – your good omega 3 fats known as essential fatty acids act as an anti inflammatory by protecting your joints, ligaments and tendons. They are also good for brain function, cardiovascular health, endurance and stamina. Good healthy sources include: Wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, avocados, flax seeds, linseeds, pumpkin, chia and sunflower seeds.

I hope you have now understood the importance of a healthy balanced way of eating that a fad diet lacks. As mentioned above you need a healthy eating plan that incorporates all the food groups. You cannot isolate one or two groups and just have one. This will lead to health and anxiety problems as a person feels deprived, restricted and unhappy. Another thing that most fad diets do not mention is the importance of exercise. Healthy eating and exercise go hand in hand to maintain a healthy active body and mind.

If you require a bespoke healthy nutritional plan you can purchase my Initial consultation plan on my website.









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