How to Take Control of Your Food Cravings

How to Take Control of Your Food Cravings

We all have them, whether it’s because we are not eating properly, are addicted to sugar, before our periods, after a heavy night out or to comfort us.

Food cravings are usually a way of our bodies telling us something. That our cells are crying out for some nutrition or our brains want an emotional reward.

The problem is, cravings can really derail your efforts at weight management and can lead to binge eating or falling back into unwanted and unhealthy patterns.

There is some good news though! We really don’t have to give in to them. It won’t happen over night, but it’s possible to stop those cravings for good.

Taking control of your food cravings normally involves ensuring your body is getting the right nutrients, eating regularly, and consuming some protein at every meal.

Read on to find out more of the most common food cravings, why they happen and what you can do to avoid them.

Food cravings and why we have them

The most common food cravings I hear about are for sugary foods, chocolate, salty foods such as crisps, fatty foods like cheese, fried foods and carbs like pasta and pizza.

Although it’s ok to indulge in these foods once in a while, I think we can all agree that giving into these cravings every time would not be good in the long term. 

What causes us to have food cravings?

There are many reasons we crave certain foods. It can be because of nutritional deficiencies, signs of hormonal imbalance, lack of sleep, or because of physical activity or stress levels.

Sugar cravings are the most common, and the one many of us find hard to resist! If you are anything like me, you will crave chocolate before your periods! But did you know, a craving for chocolate is normally a sign of low magnesium levels and cravings for meat or cheese are often seen as a sign of low iron or calcium levels.

It’s also true that many of us will reach for something sweet when stressed or low on energy. This is because sugar stimulates our brains, releasing serotonin, our ‘feel good’ hormone. When glucose levels are in short supply, our body will tell us we need to eat.

The problem is that eating sugary foods will only give us a quick fix. We will soon crash and look for more sugar to replace that high.

You can see why sugar is addictive, in fact, it’s thought to be more addictive than heroin, and a short-term solution for energy production.

Tips to help you with food cravings
with food cravings

Tips to help you with food cravings

1 – Eat breakfast!

These days there are so many diets around, including intermittent fasting. This can work for some people, but unless done consistently and planned, for many, skipping breakfast is not a good idea.

2 – Do not skip any meal

When you skip a meal, your body goes into survival mode, sending stress signals and making you crave foods that are high in fat, carbs and sugar.

3 – Eat a good quality protein at every meal

Eat foods such as eggs, legumes, beans, organic meat or oily fish for every meal, including breakfast. Protein will keep you satisfied and will stop cravings between meals.

4 – Stay well hydrated

Often, thirst is mistaken for hunger, and this can lead to food cravings, so make sure you drink plenty of water and herbal teas throughout the day.

5 – Eat every three hours.

To keep your blood sugar balanced, always have a few healthy snacks on hand in case you cannot prepare a meal. Things like boiled eggs, vegetable sticks and humus, sliced apple with almond butter or a handful of nuts, are good choices. 

6 – Avoid high-sugar foods and refined carbs

Avoid eating too much high-sugar foods and refined carbohydrates as they make you crave even more sugar. Go for slow releasing carbs. Low Glycemic index (GI) foods will give you a sustained energy release. Choose foods such as oats, sweet potatoes, millet and wholegrain rice.

7 – Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and whole foods.

To get a full range of nutrients, try to have a diverse range of different coloured fruit and vegetables. 

8 – Don’t be afraid of fats!

Healthy fats are good for us and provide a substantial source of energy for your body, especially when your glucose levels are depleted. Excellent sources include avocado, nuts and seeds and good quality olive oil.

9 – Add cinnamon!

Another tip is to add cinnamon to your foods. I add it to my porridge. Not only does it add some sweetness and taste great – it helps to regulate your insulin levels and keep blood sugar levels balanced.

10 – Consider chromium

Chromium is so great for sugar levels, I give it to my clients. Chromium is a mineral that is needed for insulin, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

If you are constantly having sugar cravings, have your chromium levels checked and speak to a qualified nutritionist about getting a good supplement.

11 – Get plenty of sleep

A lack of sleep means that your body will have to work harder in order to produce energy. This will then lead to sugar cravings.

12 – Reduce Stress

If we are under a lot of stress, the adrenal glands release cortisol, which stimulates hunger and increases food cravings. Eating regularly will help, but try to add some meditation or yoga and breathing exercise into your day.

13 – Exercise regularly

It’s important to exercise regularly. Along with eating healthy and keeping hydrated, physical activity should be a part of your everyday routine.

If your work means you are sat at a screen during the day, make sure you get up every hour and move about. Try adding a lunchtime walk into your day and aim for 10,000 steps a day. Do what works for you!

14 – Listen to your body

Lastly, always listen to your body. Our bodies will often give us signs that something isn’t right. Learn to listen to your body and take note of what it is telling you so you can make healthier food choices.

I hope this article has helped and given you some ideas on how to tackle your food cravings.

If you would like to take it one step further and take on your health and fitness then get in touch – I have a range of options of how you can work with me.

Published by daniatrapani

I believe in teaching, educating and making people aware of their health, diet and lifestyle choices. I encourage my clients to understand the importance of a healthy diet as well as a balanced lifestyle in order to achieve optimum results. Each of my clients is treated as an individual and I combine a mixture of nutrition and naturopathy to create a tailored health programme.

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