Chia coconut tofu pudding

Guest posted on my sister’s blog again. Always an absolute pleasure posting on her lovely blog. This chia coconut pudding topped with tofu chocolate smoothie has to be my best creation so far. It is so delicious I just can’t get enough of it! It makes a nutritious breakfast or a great dessert. Chia seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, calcium, manganese, magnesium and phosphorous. For the full recipe click on the link below.

Published by daniatrapani

I believe in teaching, educating and making people aware of their health, diet and lifestyle choices. I encourage my clients to understand the importance of a healthy diet as well as a balanced lifestyle in order to achieve optimum results. Each of my clients is treated as an individual and I combine a mixture of nutrition and naturopathy to create a tailored health programme.

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